Leaky Frontends: Micro-Op Cache and Processor Frontend Vulnerabilities


This paper evaluates new security threats due to the processor frontend in modern Intel processors. The root causes of the security threats are the multiple paths in the processor frontend that the micro-operations can take: through the MicroInstruction Translation Engine (MITE), through the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB), also called the Micro-operation Cache, or through the Loop Stream Detector (LSD). Each path has its own unique timing and power signatures, which lead to the sideand covert-channel attacks presented in this work. Especially, the switching between the different paths leads to observable timing or power differences which, as this work demonstrates, could be exploited by attackers. Because of the different paths, the switching, and way the components are shared in the frontend between hardware threads, two separate threads are able to be mutually influenced and timing or power can reveal activity on the other thread. The security threats are not limited to multi-threading, and this work further demonstrates new ways for leaking execution information about SGX enclaves or a new in-domain Spectre variant in single-thread setting. Finally, this work demonstrates a new method for fingerprinting the microcode patches of the processor by analyzing the behavior of different paths in the frontend. The findings of this work highlight the security threats associated with the processor frontend and the need for deployment of defenses for the modern processor frontend.

In the 28th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2022.
Shuwen Deng
Shuwen Deng
Assistant Professor